Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I can only speak to my own experience and hope that gives you some insight into what POTS is and how it can affect you or the people around you.
Fuck them. They suck, you can’t change their mind and they’re not worth your time. It is not worth using what precious energy you have to try to make them believe you. You’re better off working with the people who do believe and support you.
That being said, there are people who won’t believe you who you will still need to put up with, such as teachers, relatives, co-workers, ect. These people will disappoint you and let you down. It will never not hurt when they don’t believe you, be wary with your heart and protect yourself.
Their lack of belief can be disheartening
It can be deeply disheartening when those closest to you or individuals you rely on fail to believe in your struggles. It can lead to feelings of frustration, anger, and sadness. Remember that their disbelief does not define your reality or diminish the validity of your experiences. Seek solace in the understanding and support of others who do believe in you.
Navigating the skepticism of others can be challenging
Dealing with individuals who doubt your condition, such as teachers, relatives, co-workers, and others, can be a challenging task. It may require patience and resilience on your part to withstand their skepticism. Remember to prioritize self-care and surround yourself with people who uplift and validate your experiences.
Advocacy and self-empowerment are essential
In the face of disbelief, it becomes crucial to advocate for yourself and assertively express your needs. Educate others about your condition and its impact on your life, providing them with resources and information that might help them understand. By empowering yourself and sharing your journey, you can help break down barriers of disbelief and foster greater understanding.
Stay on top of your healthcare
One aspect that requires special attention is your medical care. It is imperative to have a doctor who believes in you and takes your concerns seriously. If you encounter a healthcare professional who dismisses or undermines your experiences, don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion or find a different doctor altogether. Your health and well-being should always be prioritized.
Do not, I repeat DO NOT have a doctor who does not believe you, switch doctors immediately if this is the case. This could be not only frustrating for you but could also be dangerous.
Remember, you are not alone
While it may feel isolating to face disbelief, remember that you are not alone in this journey. Draw support from the people around you who believe, love and support you. There are support groups, online communities, and advocacy organizations that can provide understanding, guidance, and a sense of belonging. Surrounding yourself with individuals who share similar experiences can be immensely comforting and empowering.
Further Reading
Arnold, Amy C. “Cognitive and Psychological Issues in Postural Tachycardia Syndrome.” NCBI, 27 March 2018, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6160364/. Accessed 28 June 2023.
“What I Want You to Know about My Life with Invisible Illness.” Standing Up To POTS, https://www.standinguptopots.org/livingwithpots/what-i-want-you-to-know. Accessed 28 June 2023.
“When People Don’t Believe My POTS Is Real.” The Mighty, 25 January 2016, https://themighty.com/topic/postural-orthostatic-tachycardia-syndrome/when-people-dont-believe-my-pots-is-real/. Accessed 28 June 2023.